How the NEA made my day

The NEA, however revolting it might be, made my day today. I came home today wit

I came home and got the mail, and there in the letters and bills was the latest issue of the NEA magazine (which is so much better than the VEA's equivalent). And I looked through it because I always do. I always have, even when Adam was a member and I wasn't. And for some reason, today, this magazine picked up my spirits a little. Looking at professional peers of mine, reminding myself that I'm not the only one in this profession that, let's be honest, is not great right now. Not only is the economy making education impossibly challenging everywhere and especially in Virginia, but February and March are always the hardest months of the year. October is a distant third. So to look at this magazine today of an organization that I don't even support or like and have my heart warmed and my teaching spirit a little renewed was a pleasant surprise. I skimmed through a nice article about mentor teachers, read every word of an interview with the children's author Katherine Patterson (promoting Read Across America Day which is March 2...I'll need to blog a separate post on that), and perused the feature on Manassas Park Elementary School in northern Virginia. After that, and flicking through the article with Sandra Day O'Connor about teaching government in today's NCLB age, I felt much better about my day. I don't even know why. Maybe I will go back to work on Monday after all. :) At least February will be over.
No new Charlotte pictures because there are no AA batteries in our house at all for the camera. We'll pick some up tomorrow, since inevitably, I will get cabin fever and need to get out of the house for an hour.
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