Home (and loving it)
No, I didn't quit; I just have a sick Charlotte. She insists that she's not tired, but Mommy knows better. :) As Adam told me yesterday when I came home early, she fights sleep like a champ when she's sick.
I've been doing some home repair/renovation projects in the past week. Small projects like putting in new light fixtures (what a difference that makes!) and replacing nasty, dirty switches and plugs with crisp white ones. As I was replacing some switches yesterday, I thought to myself that I really love doing these kinds of things. I love making my home look beautiful and together, and it makes me feel less overwhelmed. When I was in high school, I would clean when I got stressed. For some reason, it soothes me.
I also read this article about a middle school teacher who stopped a gunman from shooting up the school he worked at. Wow.
Liz, I didn't mean to offend you with yesterday's post; many expectations of classroom teachers are just unreasonable and about to get worse with the budget cuts being made. That quote is a very true persepective, but that is not to imply that doctors don't have their problems to deal with. Doctors, generally, are better respected and trusted than teachers; anyone who doesn't like his job feels he can quit and "just go into teaching," and people don't usually do that with the medical profession, even though both careers require much talent, skill and drive.
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