10 Things Thursday

I like knowing what other people are up to during their days...that's part of the fun of blogs. So, here are 10 things on my Thursday to-do list. What are you up to today?

  1. Clean off my desk at school. I've been avoiding this for about a day and a half.

  2. Put a roast on for dinner. (CHECK! Already done!)

  3. Call the vet to renew Simon's seizure meds. (CHECK!)

  4. Get to the vet to pick up Simon's seizure meds. (questionable whether this will happen...)

  5. Pick out and purchase some of Charlotte's school pictures for Christmas gifts. (I hope they're good...)

  6. Get into the Word so that God can combat my tendency toward craziness.

  7. Run to the store and buy some produce since all of ours went dead at the same time. I really feel like peanut butter and celery...isn't that random? Adam also needs food coloring and shaving cream for an experiment at school....

  8. Make a list for the trip to the store so I don't forget anything. :)

  9. Try to sit down most of the day so that my feet aren't balloons by 8:00 tonight.

  10. End the day in a better mood than I began it...so far, that's right on track to happen.

I hope you have a good day today. Feel free to share what you're doing or avoiding, and soli Deo gloria.


  1. I love peanut butter and celery! But I also love cream cheese with olives slathered on celery - green olives are so yummy right now.
    I think I need to start making a list of things I want to get done...I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything.


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