How long has it been?

At least I know that I wasn't underestimating how hectic the first week of real school for me would be. Between my students returning to school and everything that goes along with that, Adam's professional development beginning and Charlotte starting daycare, our family hit the ground running early Monday morning and haven't stopped since, well, about now. Tonight has been the first night we had a chance to breathe, sit and eat dinner together, and the first time I have had in about a week to blog.

It goes without saying that it is very difficult to be thoughtful and introspective when you are frantic. My days have been so constantly packed that I don't really have any inspiring thoughts for you. In fact, the more difficult this week became for all of us, the more determined I am to come home and stay home to raise my children. Eventually. For now, enjoy these pictures of Charlotte taken by Adam last week while I was in work week. I'll try to have something deeper to share this weekend.

Perched on a pillow, reading...


In her Firehouse Subs hat...


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