No, I do not profess to be any kind of real example of a Proverbs 31 woman. Of course, there are so many things that I fall short at doing and so much sanctification that needs to take place in my life. But...during the fall and winter, I LOVE to knit - working with my hands is something that I can really identify with the Proverbs 31 woman about. I don't know what it is...I think that I love to do something with my hands as Adam and I watch football on TV. Now of course, with a toddler, I have significantly less time to knit than when I was, say, pregnant with said toddler. However, it still relaxes me, especially these scarves which I can knit with confidence in a relatively short period of time so that I don't get frustrated.
Look over my work; if you like it and would like me to make a scarf for you or a loved one, I would be honored. Adult scarves are $20; I can make hats and kids' scarves as well.
If not, just use this opportunity to embrace your creativity and work with your hands. Even young mothers can benefit from some theraputic work with our hands. Soli Deo Gloria.
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