10 Things Thursday
Thinking of Halloween, last night's Reformation Celebration, the upcoming Thanksgiving, birthdays and Christmas season, I wanted to make a list of 10 new tradition ideas for our family as Charlotte goes into childhood:
P.S. Here are some pictures I took this week. Enjoy.

- Special Christmas Eve dinner - what? I don't know yet. Something special...like? Nope, no ideas yet.
- Using an Advent calendar. Adam got me a beautiful one last year for my birthday, and I would like to begin filling it this year, teaching Charlotte the story as we go.
- I anticipate that we will continue our tradition of going to Target during the appointed "trick or treating" time on Sunday, not because we are inhospitable, but because hoards of people commute to our neighborhood for the festivities. No, thanks. See you there, Rafe.
- Making Thanksgiving dinner. In our house. In our kitchen. In my new, sweet apron. Making the side dishes that we want...and probably birthday cake for Charlotte.
- Having a birthday party for Charlotte the weekend before Thanksgiving (or the week after, I guess it depends on when Thanksgiving is).
- Putting up the tree and decorating the whole house (since I've gotten the knack for it during this fall season) the day after Thanksgiving.
- Maybe Black Friday shopping...maybe. Without Kohl's and my mom, it just isn't the same. But maybe C and I will make the drive.
- Cycling through all of our Christmas choir CDs through the next two months (as long as they work...they've been at odds with our stereo lately).
- Finding some holiday recipes to make our own. Also recipes for leftovers. Again, we've never had to do these things before.
- And finally, making tender moments happen whenever possible. This was the last part of the Making Your Home a Haven challenge that I did this month (kind of...). Creating tender moments, like pausing dinner to read Goodnight Moon on the kitchen floor with Charlotte in my lap. This is what truly makes holidays and families special.
P.S. Here are some pictures I took this week. Enjoy.
My goodness she's growing fast. Steve used to have to work Thanksgiving Day, so we started our tradition of having a special dinner the Sunday after Thanksgiving. This year, after starting the new job, he, again, has to work T Day, so we will gladly continue that tradition. I grew up in a highly German and Polish influenced area where St. Nick was celebrated on Dec. 7th. In German households (you may know/do this one!) St. Nick is said to visit the children to make sure they are 'behaving' before the holidays. We leave our shoes outside our bedroom door, and if he approves, he leaves a gift in them. We've done this for years, without the shoes, but with Snickerdoodle growing up, I definitely want to continue it. I make duck for Christmas dinner. Everyone has ham or turkey, and we wanted something different. It has become increasingly more accessible in this area, so check it out - I have no 'perfect' recipe, as I've only made it 2x, but we're still testing things out. Hope this helps! Loved this idea for a post!!