Getting our Groove on...

...but mostly just Charlotte's. Tonight, we went to a free program at the 419 Library by Tom Teasley, a world percussionist and educator. Here's his website, primarily for my dad who I know will be curious. :) It was sponsored by a group called Young Audiences/Arts for Learning, and it's a very neat program and concept (here's that website too, dad). Charlotte was probably the youngest one there, and I know the onlookers didn't know if she was going to make it or not, but she definitely loved hearing (and jamming to) all of the different instruments. We had a good time also, and even learned a little bit.

We also had our 18 month well check today (even though Charlotte's 19ish months) and it went well. Charlotte was terrified of Dr. Craft which he said was completely normal for her age. Haha. I think her apprehension also might have had something to do with the child across the hall screaming his face off from the time Charlotte and I got into the room; seriously, even the doctor said it sounded like he was doing an amputation, which obviously he wasn't. Charlotte looks good, it's amazing how healthy she is when she's not in daycare, and everything looks fine. The mildly humourous thing, besides the amputation across the hall, was when Dr. Craft asked if Charlotte said 10-12 words. I quickly answered 'yes,' and he said that teacher's kids were usually above the curve when it came to that. When I told Adam this tidbit driving home from the percussion program, we started counting the words she can say (and know what they mean) and we got about 25. Huh. So, on tomorrow's to-do for Charlotte's college...check.

It rained today; not downpour, but nice, steady rain. I don't know about you, but sometimes, rain is just so refreshing. It's been oppressively sunny and hot this summer, and the rainy day today was just soothing.

Oh, and although she didn't need them today, here's a picture of Charlotte's new shades. Please enjoy the fact that they are upside-down. :)


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