The family road trip on 2010 continues this weekend with an impromptu trip to Jacksonville, Florida. I say impromptu because we had not planned it prior to Monday when we found out about a job fair here tomorrow. So we packed up ourselves and our Charlotte, left after school on Thursday and arrived in the Sunshine State at about 2:00 a.m. Friday morning. Ugh. The turnaround for our 10:30 a.m. HR interviews was a tough one, but profitable. Let's just say that I think that Adam will probably come away with a job.
On the way, probably when I was driving bleary-eyed between Savannah and Jacksonville, we hit....not a groundhog or a bird or a rabbit or a squirrel, but a BAT. 100% true story. The best part is that we didn't even realize as we stumbled into the house and to bed; Adam's brother pointed out to us on Friday morning (as Charlotte woke up at 7:30 like normal...) that we had a BAT stuck in the grill of our car. Stuck! 
We went to visit Charlotte's Uncle Nick at work and have lunch before Adam's principal interview. Again, more about that later. Here's also a picture of her with Adam (in interview clothes) outside Nick's office.
Ah...documenting our trips is so much easier since we remembered to bring the digital camera. No more '80s pics. :) Thanks, Brit.
Poor Bat...but cool story.