Finding Identity

I think that I'm getting to that age. That age where you wonder who you are and what you are supposed to be doing. Maybe there's not an age for that; maybe it's a decade, or for some people, maybe it's their whole lives. I don't know. It's not a midlife crisis because it's not a crisis, just thinking. I know I've been thinking this through before, in high school and of course, in college.  Identity feelings, questions, wonderings. Even Christians go through these moments, times of questioning, forming, dealing with convictions. You could say that really, our whole lives are wrapped up in identifying ourselves. Today's sermon addressed some of that.

The text was Matthew 10:40-42 (and it was Pastor Eddie! Two verses!) The first point was basically this: as a believer in Christ, we are to find our identity in Him. That is a very simple point. In fact, Christians debate over many things in regard to theology and doctrine, but I'm pretty sure that Christians can all agree that we are to find our identity in Christ. Period. So why is that so difficult? Why is it so much easier to identify ourselves with things of this world? Why, because we can see those things, of course, even if they are perishing before our eyes.

So I got to thinking about do I identify myself? With Christ, as one of His own? Sure. Absolutely. Is that my primary identifier? Not usually. I'm a wife and getting better all the time at it. Is that it? Nope. I'm also a so-so mom who's learning more every day. Well, that's okay because I can be all of those things in Christ. Of course, but that's not it. I'm also a teacher, a thinker, a reader, a writer, a musician, a cook. I exercise, I read chick lit, I play Lego video games with my husband. I prepare for next school year. I take Charlotte to swim lessons and hold down the fort while Adam works, either summer school or retail. I want to be thinner, healthier, theologically stronger, more socially connected, less rushed and making dinner every night with ease. I want so many things, feel like I need so many things, think about so many things, get upset about so many things, think my life would be perfect if this about so many things.  And there, at the top of all of these things must be Christ. Because I have died to myself and live in Him. Because He has ransomed me and redeemed me; I am no longer my own, but I have been bought with a price. Because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

When we fail to identify ourselves with Christ, when I fail to identify myself with Christ, Pastor Eddie said this morning, we tend to get selfish and arrogant, prideful and short-sighted. Only when we abide in Christ daily can we identify ourselves rightly. And then, as is usual with our gracious Lord, everything in our lives will work best.  A convicting message to be sure, and that was only the first point.

Who are you trying to be today? What do you identify yourself with or as? The answer, I think, reveals much about our soul, since these questions are asked by people, believers and non-believers alike, every day. Soli Deo Gloria.

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  1. very thought provoking. I have been mulling this topic around in my head as well.


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